“I learned that it is okay to let go of certain ways of doing things in my creative process. I was able to think outside the box for this [micro-grant] project and prioritize the vision of the students over my own vision - after all it is their organization! ”
TA Micro-Grant Awardee
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With full funding from the Marrazzo Family Foundation, each grant is $1,000 and there are two two opportunities for grants for Philadelphia-based teaching artists; one application in the winter for spring projects and one application in the summer for fall projects. Each round will fund up to ten grants, bringing the annual total up to $20,000. The Marrazzo Family Foundation is based in Philadelphia and has an initial strategic focus of supporting the integration of creativity and the arts in educating Philadelphia youth, in ways that are novel, interdisciplinary, and visionary.
The Marrazzo/Bartol Teaching Artist Micro-Grant awards $1,000 to help Philadelphia-area teaching artists complete community-based arts education projects that are underway; to support their own professional development as teaching artists; or to buy equipment/materials essential to their teaching artist practice. The engagement of community members as active art(s)-makers is essential to any application.
Grants will be made to teaching artists who live in the Philadelphia area and projects must take place in the City of Philadelphia.
If you are working with community members, your project must engage community members (of any age) as active, creative, art-making participants (in any discipline), not just as an audience.
If you are asking for support for your own professional development or equipment/materials, you must demonstrate how this will position you to strengthen your teaching practice as well the audience you hope will benefit from your future programs.
Teaching artists are not required identify a community host site or partner, although you have the option to share a letter of support from a community partner if you have one. You cannot currently be a paid teaching artist (employee or contractor) for the organization which is your host site. This is not intended to be a grant to an organization to pay their teaching artists.
The project, either in the community or for a teaching artists’ own teaching practice, must be urgent and timely. Funds must be expended within three months of receiving the grant.
Note that these grants are not for your own creative practice. They are only for your work as a teaching artist.
You can preview the full application questions here.
Check back for our information sessions:
In this 1 hour session, Bartol Foundation Executive Director, Sam Tower, will walk attendees through the Marrazzo/ Bartol Micro-Grant application, sharing what makes a great application, and answering any questions about the guidelines and selection process.
For You
For Your Project
NOTE: If an organization you are working with was already awarded a Bartol grant in our most recent cycle, you cannot also receive a teaching artist grant for the same Bartol-funded project.
You can begin to collect the information you will need to complete the application .